What is Deed of Gift?
An audio guide to the collection:
- Ann Leda Shaprio, Two Sides and Women Landing . . . 1971
- Anne Focke, a pragmatic response to real circumstances, 2006
- Daft Kuntz, So Good It Could Have Been, 2012
- Joey Veltkamp, Glacier / Glacier National Park . . . 2013
- Klara Glosova, Life on the Sidelines, 2014
- Wynne Greenwood, Young Women Warrior Prepared . . . 2007
Why did you want to do this project in the first place?
Why did you want to do this project in the first place?
Tell me about the crying people.
Why is 'queer' still so hard for museums?
Matthew Offenbacher and Jennifer Nemhauser
Coast Time Residency
Cutler City, Oregon
March 2016